
My Son is Trying to Kylo Me….

“I know what I must do. I don’t know if I’m strong enough to do it.”

– Kylo Ren 

I have an adorable, stubborn, precocious, analytical, funny, and bright toddler boy. 👶🏻He looks just like my husband. (Which makes sense because I made him and my husband’s face is my favorite face ever.) 

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery” – Oscar Wilde 

My son is made up of energy, happiness, silliness, and buckets upon buckets of snot! (Good thing my husband and I can swim because otherwise we’d drown in slimy grossness.) 🤢

Okay, okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. 💁🏼‍♀️Moving on. 

When my little man started daycare he started excelling in milestones but also became patient zero in our household!  😷

My son has been sick around 15 times in the span of year. Which means I’VE been sick 🤧15 times in the span of year. He bounces back like a Springer Spaniel 🐕ready for the hunt while I am clinging to life like a sickly victorian child that won’t make it through the winter.

 (My husband has the immune system of Wolverine. Give him 5 minutes and he’s healed.)

Apparently this amount of sickness is “normal” when children start daycare but that just doesn’t seem to track. It’s definitely a conspiracy put together by the World Toddler Foundation or WTF for short; (Not a real organization) in collaboration with elderberry and local honey farmers. (Yes, we will try both to build immunity) 

The only logical conclusion I have deduced 🧐is that toddlers are trying to kill us 😬 and take over the world. I don’t mean when they grow up to become fully functioning adults. (To be fair, is anyone a fully functioning adult?🤷🏼‍♀️) I mean right now! Before they can even take care of themselves!

The Parental Rebellion must rise up, defeat the Virion Star, and win the Snot Wars! 

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